Raw material price inflation continues to have a major impact for the flexible packaging industry, although the rate of increase eased slightly in Q3 compared with the unprecedented levels seen in the previous three months.
The continuous difficulties of raw materials supply are creating a potential risk to the stable supply of food, pharmaceuticals, and medicals, which worries the members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE).
A life cycle assessment study, carried out by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu), shows flexible pouches are better packaging options, in terms of environmental performance, for olives and pasta sauce.
Read more … New study confirms environmental benefits of using pouches for some food products
There has been tension in the polymer market for some time which is very concerning for the members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE). Deliveries of all relevant polymers to the industry continue to be unpredictable in terms of volumes and time of delivery and therefore jeopardize many production plans.
Read more … Ongoing tension in polymer markets worry European Flexible Packaging manufacturers
The members of Flexible Packaging Europe (FPE) are very concerned about the recent developments of the polymer markets in Europe.